Wednesday, February 15, 2017


I normally try to steer clear of super trendy things each season. Mainly because I want to buy things that will last me more than a few months (and still be in style) and I'm a little afraid I can't pull it off. But y'all, I have fallen head over heels for the Adidas sneakers! I started noticing Adidas sneakers when Stan Smiths became huge last season, but I just didn't think I'd wear them enough to get a pair. Then, I started seeing these and really liked them. After looking at them online forever, I finally decided I was going to try a pair but they were sold out everywhere. Confession: I prefer online shopping over shopping in the store. Even though you can try things on and probably find better pieces, I just can't bring myself go that often and I love the convenience of being able to shop from my phone or computer. But, I dragged myself to the mall and found a pair. I went in thinking I wanted the gold stripes but to my surprise, I didn't love them on me. The sales associate brought me silver because it was the only color that was available in my size...and I ended up loving them. After sending a few pictures via text to some friends to confirm that my buying choice was a good decision (lol), I pulled the trigger.

I know it seems a little crazy to be so hesitant to buy a pair of sneakers, but that's just me... :) I've learned that you don't have to give up your personal style for trendy pieces, but by incorporating into your normal wardrobe you can make it your own.

I'll be styling these on here in the next couple of weeks, but I wanted to share some outfit inspirations that have really shown me how many ways they can be worn!

Which look is your favorite?

Stay sunny,


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