Friday, February 3, 2017


Sometimes, I actually get up and make myself breakfast. Since it's a rarity these days, I snapped a picture of it. It was delicious

2 slices of toasted bread // avocado mashed up and spread on each slice // hot sauce // two eggs over medium // side of watermelon 

Bon appetite! 

The weekend is so close and I am SO HAPPY! I plan on having a pretty chill weekend and watching the Falcons Rise Up on Sunday! Here are a few things I came across through out the week.

This is Us Chrissy Metz Article // If you haven't seen This is Us yet, you need to. Seriously, it's so, so good. I loved this article from one of the main characters in the show. It's truly a testament that you never really know what's around the corner!

Kristas Reading List from Covering the Bases // My reading wish list is ever growing and a few of them are on this post. I love recommendations from other readers.

J. Crew x New Balance post from Carly of The College Prepster // I was so excited when I saw J. Crew was teaming up with New Balance for a new sports line. This post from Carly shows how cute and practical the pieces are! I love the pink pieces and this striped crop top.

This teacher has personalized handshakes with every student in his class // This is so cool! It's such a great way to get your students excited to come to class and show them you truly care about each one of them. Kudos to the teacher for remembering each one! (They're not simple, either!)

Michael Vicks letter to Atlanta // If you've haven't heard by now, the Falcons are going to the Super Bowl! (It's this Sunday, btw) I came across this letter from Michael Vick (former Falcons QB) to Atlanta that I thought was very touching.

Do we think I could pull these off?? // Loving the white and gold. I can picture them with a pair of distressed boyfriend jeans. Also looooving these pink sneaks.

Favorite verse of the week // "But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ - by grace you have been saved." Ephesians 2:4-5 (ESV) I can rest easy this weekend knowing that my worth isn't measured by my current circumstance, job, pants size, or achievements. My worth is measured by the love Jesus Christ showed me when he died on the cross for my sins. When Satan tells you that you're not enough, remember that Jesus chose you.

That's all I have for ya, folks! I hope your weekend is splendid!

Stay sunny,


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