Friday, October 9, 2015


Can I just say how happy I am that it's finally fall? Pumpkin patches, crunchy leaves, blanket scarves, apple picking, baking (does anyone else bake more this season than any other?) and all the plaid....swoon! 

It's still (sadly) a bit warm here in Tennessee so I haven't been able to go full on fall with my wardrobe just yet, but adding a touch a plaid at least makes me feel like it's that oh so wonderful season. Next week my mom and I will be traveling to Oklahoma for a few days and I absolutely can't wait! We're planning on checking a few things off the fall bucket list - like going to my first pumpkin patch of the season - so check back for pictures of our trip soon! 

The thing I love so much about plaid is that it's a classic pattern. It always comes back around every fall and can take you all the way through the winter months. I love when it's time to switch my wardrobe over from summer and bust out my flannels that have been dying to come back out! 

Are you as mad for plaid as I am?

P.S. I'm sorry I've been a bit MIA lately. I've recently started a new job and I've been letting my blog fall by the wayside. I've slowly realized the importance of making a schedule ;) Getting back on my! 

Stay sunny,


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